DPS Authorized Road Test

DPS Authorized Road Test

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Take your DPS authorized road test through Community Driving School, a DPS-authorized third party. We are located in the Keller/Fort Worth area. (DFW)

The Third-Party Skills Testing (TPST) program was implemented on September 1, 2014, authorizing Commercial Driver Education schools that meet requirements set by the Department to administer the driving skills examination.

Community Driving School is an approved Third-Party Skills Testing school and may administer the driving skills examination to those who meet the criteria.

As stated in the Class C Non-Commercial Driver License Third Party Skills Test Program, "In special or unusual circumstances, an applicant must be referred to the local DPS driver license office for a driving test. Examples include hearing impaired or language barrier that require an interpreter, hardship license applicant or if the applicant has other extenuating circumstances."

At the time of the test:

If you are 16 years of age or older:

  •  Possess a valid "DPS Copy" DE-964 showing you have completed a Texas Teenage Driver Education Course that says "Drivers license Only" at the top. Texas written test scores are only valid for two years. 
  • If you have a DE964 marked as a "Transfer" you will need to bring in this certificate as well as the "Driver's License Only" certificate from the course you transferred to.
  • Have a valid learner license for a minimum of six months
  • Must be accompanied by the parent or legal guardian that completed the parent driving hours with the student. Parent must have their valid driver's license with them.
  • A certificate from the DPS Impact Texas Teen Drivers (ITTD) video and receive a certificate dated within 90 days of the skills examination. You can find more information on the ITTD program here.

If you are 18-24 years of age:

  • Possess a valid "DPS Copy" ADE-1317 showing completion of a Texas Driver Education Course. Certificates are valid only for two years. 
  • Have a valid learner license. All test applicants who want to take their DPS Authorized Road Test through a driving school must have a valid leaners permit. If applicants are unable to obtain a permit, the only place they are eligible to test is a DPS office.
  • A certificate from the DPS Impact Texas Adult Drivers (ITYD) video dated within 90 days of the skills examination. You can find more information on the ITTD program here.
  • If you are over the age of 18 and testing with the DE-964, you must
    also follow all of the requirements of those in the 16-17 year old

If you are 25 years of age or older:

  • A valid Texas Learners Driver License. All test applicants who want to take their DPS Authorized Road Test through a driving school must have a valid leaners permit. If applicants are unable to obtain a permit, the only place they are eligible to test is a DPS office.
  • A certificate from the DPS Impact Texas Adult Drivers (ITYD) video dated within 90 days of the skills examination. You can find more information on the ITYD program here.

If you are older than 25 and are applying for a Texas driver's license for the first time, you are not required to have completed driver education, however, it is highly recommended.

After the DPS Authorized Road Test:

$0: Your documents will be sealed into an envelope ready for you to submit them to a local DPS office. Once you submit your documents to a DPS office you will be issued your driver's license. 

$40: Your documents will be submitted through the new TPST Submission Portal online and once approved, will allow the student to skip the DPS entirely. The online approval process takes about 1-2 weeks and once approved the student will pay the licensure fee online, print off their temporary paper license, and wait to receive their official plastic card in the mail. This $40 will be paid at our office during the time of the test. 

The DPS-authorized Road Test fee is $75.00 and includes three attempts at the DPS Authorized Road Test. All testing clients are welcome to reserve in advance the use of a Community Driving School vehicle for their road tests, for an additional fee of $50.00. If possible, please contact us ahead of your scheduled road test, in order to confirm the availability of a road test vehicle. If you decide to use your personal vehicle for the road test, this vehicle must have a current inspection/registration sticker, front and rear license plates, and proof of vehicle liability insurance.

Please also note, we do not issue refunds for no call/no show appointments, and we do not issue refunds to those who arrive to their scheduled appointment with incorrect or expired documents. There is a $10 fee for refunds issued before the scheduled test time. Applicants who show up after their scheduled appointment time may have to reschedule if there is no more appointment availability for that day. Please arrive 10-20 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to ensure that we can process your documents. There are no fees or penalties for rescheduling a DPS Authorized Road Test for any reason. If you have any questions about the documents you need to bring, please contact us. You can also email in documentation to ensure it is correct: info@communitydrivingtexas.com. :) 

Be prepared for your road test! Download these road test resources.